Sunday, May 1, 2022

Buda Script: The Cursive One

by Fim Anugrah

Among all the Buda scripts from Merapi-Merabu manuscript collection, Buda script in LOr 1882 manuscript is one of a kind. Not because it’s different from other collection of the same catalogue, it’s also different in its shape and writing.

As we know, LOr 1882 manuscript that is written in Buda script using old Javanese language is nowadays still kept in Leiden University Library under Delft Collection. Written in round about 17th century above Palmyra leaf (lontar or Borassus Flabellifer), the manuscript has 30 cm to 3.5 cm dimension.

In its description, Pigeaud (1970) said that the manuscript contains religious life, incantations in prose form. It is well preserved in a wooden box, which is decorated with a polychrome flowery design on a dark green background. Furthermore, he said that the script is so-called Buda or Gunung script.  

This script naming hadn’t been done in the same way by Pigeaud to the other manuscript that is LOr 2266 called Kuñjarakarna. It seems that Pigeaud also hesitates to call this manuscript written in Aksara Buda or Aksara Gunung (c.f 197, p. 21) to the manuscripts that came from West Java; different to manuscript that came from East Java such as this LOr 1882, so does with other foreign researchers.

Moreover, there are mistakes took place in transliterating the manuscript, especially for Plate 23 as shown in Pigeaud’s work entitled Literature of Java Vol. III: Illustrations and Facsimiles of Manuscripts, Maps, Addenda and a General Index of Names and Subjects.  Therefore, this article in another way tries to fix the mistakes.

Above is the facsimile picture of the manuscript LOr 1882 taken from Pigeaud’s book (1970), while below is the replica in digital form using typeface that has been made for this purposes. Be my guess to compare the transliteration of both Pigeud and mine if you have Pigeaud’s book.  

Transliteration & Translation


/1/ // a // oṃ awighnam astu nama siḍi // a // nihan ta saŋ hyaŋ tatyan i laku, saŋ hyaŋ kala bhaṭara siwaḥ hamṛta, harani

 /1/ ||ѯoѯ|| Om. Let it be without obstacle, homage, success ||ѯoѯ|| This is the holy Essence of the Course (of religious life). Holy Kala Bhatara Siwah Amrta is your name (title)

 /1/ ||ѯoѯ|| Semoga tiada suatu halangan ||ѯoѯ|| Inilah Sang tatyan i laku,  Sang Hyang Kala Bhatara Siwah Amrta adalah namamu (gelar)

 /2/ ra duk sakiŋ ṅampaḥ, saŋ hyaŋ sukṣma wruḥ haranira dukyayi lumaku, saŋ hyaŋ nastiti haranira duk/ tka ri gunu[ŋ], saŋ hyaŋ haga pṛmmana haranira du

 /2/ at the time you come from the plains. Holy Suksma Weruh is your title at the time you are a youngster who begins the Course. Holy Nastiti is your title at the time you arrive on the mountain. Holy A(r)ga Pramana is your title

 /2/ pada saat kau datang ke dataran. Sang Hyang Suksma Wruh adalah namamu pada saat remaja manakala memulai pelajaran.Sang Hyang Nastiti adalah namamu pada saat kau tiba di gunung (em: gunu). Sang Hyang A(r)ga Pramana adalah namamu

/3/ k lagi hamét panutan/, saŋ hyaŋ kala juna haranira duk lagi haṛp awikuha, hiastren pwa kita hajahaja, hamumuṫut putru sit saŋ musaḥ wi

/3/ at the time you are taking guidance. Holy Kala Juna (Arjuna?) is your title at the time you have the desire to be a wiku (man of religion). When you are ordained as an ajar-ajar, mumutut (putut), putru sit. Mursah Wisesa is

/3/ pada saat kau mendapat bimbingan. Sang Hyang Kala Juna (Arjuna?) adalah namamu pada saat kau memiliki keinginan menjadi seorang wiku. Ketika kau mentasbihkan diri sebagai ajar-ajar, mumutut (putut), putru sit. Mursah Wisesa adalah

/4/ sésa haranira samana, hiastren pwa kita tétégan/, saŋ hyaŋ tétégan/, saŋ hyaŋ gṛhadi wisésa haranira samana, iastrén pwa ki

/4/ your title, during that time. When you are ordained as a tetegan, Holy Tetegan, Holy Grhadi Wisesa is your title during that time. When you are ordained

/4/ namamu, saat itu. Saat kau mentasbihkan sebagai seorang tetegan, Sang Hyang Tetegan, Grhadi Wisesa adalah namamu pada saat itu. Ketika kau mentasbihkan diri

/5/ ta déwa guru boḍhaga, brahmaṅa satriya ratu, wnaŋ kita hanitiha daṙmṃa wisésa, saŋ hyaŋ nirajaṅa haranira samana, wruḥ po kita ri pasa

/5/ as a dewa guru bodangga (bujangga?), brahmana satriya ratu, you are entitled to occupy a darma wisesa (religious domain). Holy Nirajana (Niranjana?) is your title during that time. You become acquainted, of course, with pasa

/5/ sebagai dewa guru bodangga (bujangga?), brahmana satriya ratu, kau berhak untuk menempatkan diri sebagai darma wisesa. Sang Hyang Nirajana (Niranjana?) adalah namamu pada saat itu.  Tentunya kau akan mempelajari pasa

/6/aran ta ya mwaagurua, mwaamauyuha, myaawaśiha saŋ hyaŋ jati wisésa hanira samaṅa, saŋ hastiti harani  duk wruḥ hapati, saŋ hyaŋ wisésa

/6/ ngaran (divination and exorcism?). You may also officiate as a gurung, a manguyu,  a wasi. Holy Jati Wisesa is your title during that time. Sang Astiti is your title at the time that you will know death. Holy Wisesa

/6/ ngaran (ramalan dan ihwal roh?). Kau pun akan memimpin sebagai seorang gurung, seorang manguyu, dan seorang wasi. Sang Hyang Jati Wisesa adalah namamu pada saat itu. Sang Astiti adalah namamu pada saat di mana kau mengetahui kematian. Sang Hyang Wisesa

/7/ haranira duk paṅawak[u] saŋ hyaŋ daṙmṃa, om ta yaḥ, ta yuḥ ta yeḥ haḥ // o ṅa // om giṅga na gaṅga gaga pawitram pawitrem ira bhaṭara paramésyara

/7/ is your title at the time of your incorporation in Holy Darma. Om Ta Yah Ta Yuh Ta Yeh Hah. Om. Gingga Nar Gangga Gaga Pawitram Pawitrem ira Bhatara Paramesyara

/7/ adalah namamu pada saat penyatuanmu dengan Sang Hyang Darma. Om Om Ta Yah Ta Yuh Ta Yeh Hah. Om. Gingga Nar Gangga Gaga Pawitram Pawitrem ira Bhatara Paramesyara

/8/ saŋ hyaŋ kuṇḍi manik/ hési saŋ hyaŋ kutug amṛtta, pṛnaḥ hiṅulun añucénana jalṃa manusa, sucinanira saŋ sinucén/ sucihanira saŋ ṅanu [ceni]

/8/ The Holy Kundi Manik (jewel jar) containing the Holy Kutug Amrta (heavenly incense) is my place in order to purify jalma manusa (the people), for the purity of the purified, for the purity of the purifier

/8/ Sang Hyang Kundi Manik (Kendi Permata) berisi Sang Hyang Kutug Amrta (dupa) adalah tempatku untuk menyucikan jalma manusia, bagi kesucian yang menyucikan, bagi kesucian si penyuci


 Purwakarta, Jawa Barat, 

02. 05.2022/1 Syawal 1443 H

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