Sunday, April 29, 2012


Matahari setengah wajahnya bisu, awan menutupnya. Angin berarak menyergah cepat membuat awan gelap. Langkah bergegas teramat tegas membuat jejak demi jejak menuju sebuah janji. Seketika langkah terhenti, ada yang terlupa. Ada janji lain yang telah menungguku lebih dulu. Badan berpaling, menapaki jejak-jejak tadi, membuatnya lebih dalam dan bergigi. Lambat kaki melangkah, merogoh telepon selular dan memijit satu demi satu tombolnya, mengirim pesan, mencari kabar. Tak lama kemudian, sebuah jawaban tiba, kubuka inbox-nya. Ternyata janji pun undur dari perhelatan. Katanya masih berada di tempat yang entah dan entah kapan akan tiba, gerak terhenti. Tak lantas tangguh, kaki pun kembali tertatih menemui janji yang telah menyergah lagi melalui inbox yang lain.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Puisi Bulan ini

Sesaat Setelah Terjaga Dari Waktu

Ada yang asing di tubuhku
Seiring pertemuan yang kutinggalkan
Dalam aduh
Setelah semuanya bernama peluh

Kutinggalkan tidurku dan terjaga
Mencoba menerjemahkan hari
Mengenal kembali waktu
Menyambangi sudut demi sudut
Melagukan sunyi

Betapa kelu lidah mengucap selamat malam
Ketika pintu sudah tertutup
Dan dingin diam-diam mengusap tengkuk
Tiba-tiba aku merasa tak pernah
Mengenal semua yang sempat kukecup
Kupeluk di antara dekapan yang sesaat itu

Matakukah yang berkhianat
Atau waktukah yang hanya miliki gelap?
Dalam gamang kulahirkan kata-kata
Menggantung di ujung rambut

Kutulis namaku di udara sebagai sepi
Tanpa bayang-bayang
Tanpa sahabat mengamini kalimat

Kotarimba, 04.2012

            -Kawan Aang

Setelah lulus kuliah dan memiliki kerah
Teman-teman tak lagi menulis puisi
Mereka sekarang menulis keringatnya sendiri
Keringat kering keringat basah timbul tenggelam
di sela-sela jarinya, di balik tengkuknya
Adakalnya tanpa berkeringat pun mereka
masih bisa minum kopi dan merokok setiap hari
Tapi, itu bukan teman-temanku
Mereka hanya kepala yang tak mengenal
bayangannya sendiri apalagi mengenal waktu
Teman-temanku adalah mereka yang di saat hari libur
mencuci kerah dan menyayangi bajunya
agar tetap putih seputih keringatnya
yang kelak bakal jadi puisi

Kotarimba, 04.2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Representation of Academic Dishonesty in Learning Style Culture as an Education System Failure: A Brief Comparison between America and Indonesia


Education is one of the most important parts in life. Through education, we can easily know how people’s characters are built. One says that to recognize the culture’s society we can use education as a measurement. It means that education has a big role and influence to form people characters of a state or country. The more develop education is, the more develop people are.
In other case, education–in all aspects—remains complicated in every country nowadays. The point of formal education is teaching and the point of teaching process is student’s learning. The last word, learning, in practical term of education, considers having lots of barrier in its implementation. One of the implications of the barriers is academic dishonesty. This term has globally become consideration for the stakeholders of education. And this, academic dishonesty, will be discussed more in this research.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

What A "Noisy" Earth Day!

Maybe cos we have already adapted with the climate so that there's no need, really, to save the world. Or, maybe cos what we presume about global warming ain't going to happen so that it is fine to stay calm, even do nothing to earth. Or, maybe we are too busy dealing our own live on politic, social, economy sector so that we let the earth do the job.

A hundred or maybe a million possibility can occur as many answer for a single question: What have we done to celebrate The Earth Day? I've planted a dozen seed of tree of mangosteen, jackfruit, salak, and other local plants. But, i don't see anything on the news about person, institution, or group on behalf of environmentalists, do the celebration. Where did they go? Do they forget about the Earth Day that initially becomes one of their pennant in saving environment? Or maybe they are to tired to strive their own belief regarding to nature as the impediments strikes their lust?

I am in a element of having idea to make everyday as an Earth Day. But, knowing this odd condition and situation, even to say Everyday-Earth Day, for a single day on April 22nd this year, people can hardy capable to achieve it. So, it is true that the Earth Day of this year really really "noisy" until you can even hear nothing. No celebration. No Green. No Plants. Not a single things has done for Earth to be appreciated! The Fourth Stadium Irony. Or, do I miss something?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012