Monday, February 27, 2012

Mata Kuliah Sastra Mestinya Produktif

Dalam dunia pendidikan, inovasi pengajaran seakan tidak pernah ada habisnya. Ia senantiasa bermetamorfosa dalam bentuk-bentuk yang ingin sekali selalu memperhatikan insan pembelajar dan output yang nantinya akan dicapai. Terkait dengan mata kuliah sastra, dalam hal ini saya bercoba untuk menyibak realita yang ada seputar pembelajaran yang saya rasakan sendiri ketika menekuni mata kuliah sastra (Inggris) di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI).
Permasalahan yang muncul adalah, tidak berhasilnya output yang ingin diharapkan dalam mengontrak mata kuliah sastra ini. Maksud saya, bahwa mata kuliah sastra yang harusnya dapat membuahkan bukti konkret bagi mahasiswa setelah menyelesaikan kontrak SKS-nya, minimal mahasiswa menjadi suka atau menggandrungi sastra dengan menciptakan sendiri karya sastra semisal prosa atau puisi atau bahkan tulisan-tulisan lainnya, malah dijustifikasi gagal sebagai sebuah pengajaran.
Sebagai mahasiswa yang memilih Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, saya pun masih mempertanyakan: Apa tujuan saya mendapatkan mata kuliah sastra? Jika jawabannya: Semenjak Anda adalah calon guru; maka bagaimanapun, Anda harus tahu apa itu sastra dan apa pun yang berhubungan dengannya, karena ini bakal menjadi bekal Anda untuk mengajarkannya pada siswa nanti. Pada poin ini, mata kuliah sastra hanya berhasil pada tataran pemahaman teori saja, tidak sampai pada prakteknya.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Selected Poems of D. Zawawi Imron

The Song of Nature

I want to sing so that cloud
descends upon the trees
while the bulbul birds
sow my dreams into farms

don’t be worried ‘bout the sun
as what moon has promised
after angry burns the grass
it certainly sinks

cloud just passes by, but comes not
only its greetings is warm as a ginger
birds once again fly
while imitate my chirrup heart


My Dragonfly

my dragonfly, just fly wherever you want!
you that hathces from my nervous egg
wag your wing
and go!
blue pond is yours
next to my grandfather cemetery

my dragonfly, crab in my thorax
has moved from lungs to bile
but I’m still waiting
words were born from grass and lamp’s wink
arranged in tune with a true tremble



loom from that bay calls a voice
I face my heart to a flower
and to the the bay I release an arrow

a clock’s voice is cursed me in the beach
when I stupefy in the dark
someone flies to the sky putting down a moon,

until I realize that my ocean is still salty



I show you a pond
hey, don’t be hurry you down-gone
there blossoms a branch of word’s tense
that priests don’t know the sense

where does blue dragon fly come from?
it comes with no greetings and goes with no farewell
but its tail
clearly accuses the center of live 

when the sky becomes as dark  as pitch
night’s hum gets more underlaid
from the pond grows then sincere
teaches the very bow


Thorny Varnish Hill

It is not wood that is transported
to town by truck here
but rather ancestors’ bone
birds are then difficult
to carry out morning beat

what does the smoke of myrrh can grow
except the proverbial tree
the damnation of Adam and Eve?

under the inner heart of trees
there’s a voice
staying in the grass
becomes moss

though i am only a blow of air
i fulfill my promise
to the birds and their tune
stroking nervously palm leaves

uncle! your sweet melody in the day dusk
invites me to the thorny varnish hill
I know, your smile hooks in the dead twig
Don’t be sad!
the dry palm wine is so sweet



these grasses that have sung
grabbing solitude from the day’s grip
then hatching it within me
—birds snatch away night—

dear! sing that moment
with water’s rhythm in the river
so that I wake up under the rapids
with wound and firefly

when tomorrow dew hatches
world might become a ball toy
but sing with no bored
violence certainly submits to a flower


Spiritual Song

Indeed, I never promise
but you push me to dance
together with the wind in the wide field

Leaves wave to a piece of cloud
far from delirious twilight, so too steel
till the drum slaps exactly the chest

I take a rest in the old hut
spelling weeds what it will become
The blue sun comes from the south east horizon
I know, in the beach we will meet
            pay the fascinating promises 


In The Waterfall Whim
            -a note in Bantimurung

In the wet zest
your water splashes here
driving the ancient love

In your freshness
I bathe my soul
Then I transform into a butterfly
that's free
flying to heaven

I expose your voice here
there’s flame flare since the beginning
explaining dew
belongs to the life of universe

Wherever I go
I hear from far
your drum that always rumbles
till blood
screams the eternal Name


Translated by Fim Anugrah from the book "Madura, Akulah Darahmu" (Grasindo, 1999)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Role of Nature in Literature

The natural world has always been an important subject for poets and prose writers. Nature serves as much more than simply a passive setting against which compelling actions unfold or a pretty backdrop or setting in the natural world (Smith, 2009). Rather, nature in all of the poems and essays is truthfully a living character through which human identity is constructed either through the characters’ alignment with the natural world or their struggle against it.
In the works of art, nature generally functions as background of place and time, and also theme. But as what has been mentioned earlier that poem as an artifact of culture product of society is also influenced by its social system. People of British in 18th century, for example, thanks literature for giving contribution in developing economic system of the country through works that most of them are achievement oriented (Koentjaraningrat, 1985). Obviously, literature has considered as important things in that environment. However, it is different from Indonesia that has long-dark history in its development. Mystical, paradox, traditionalism shackle, and other characteristic have yet made literature as important part of people product. In other words, literature is not popular among the citizens (Alwasilah, 2001). Surely, the system of education contributes to this condition.       
In addition, nature in certain case is portrayed as a beneficent living force that can –if it is studied and understood through careful and intentional reflection—offer enduring lessons about what it means to be human (Smith, 2009). This statement emerges from the works of Emerson, Thoreau, and Whitman. Off nature, these writers have their own perception. As same as Emerson, in example, Thoreau believes that the highest law is not that created by men, but that which is ordained by nature. For Whitman, Nature without checks with original energy is an inspiring model by which he would like to live. In essentials, nature is viewed as possessing all the knowledge that man needs to know, if only he is attentive and willing enough to study its messages and apply them to his life (ibid, 2009).
Moreover, in connection with the role of nature in literature, Kate Rigby through her article “Introducing Criticism at the 21st Century” (2002) punctiliously explains the different usage of nature. Nature presents in literature as (1) commodification, (2) symbolic/narrative treatments, (3) background images with symbolic meanings, (4) ‘realistic’ description or hardship, (5) ‘natural’ existence (6) symbolic quest from a literal journey, (7) landscape and symbols, and as (8) frames and symbol. Those usages basically lay within the work of each literary art. 
Likely, it is not impossible to make nature as part of life style in the same manner as literature as product that reflects people’s culture. Nature in this case is environment surrounds us; it can be a medium that effectively delivers idea or thoughts of the author as part of the community. Furthermore, through intimate relationship with the natural world, people are able to construct their own identities and their philosophies about how to live a right life in the natural world. The treatment of people play significant role in living a life that is the same as the role of literature that functions nature as idealized elements of aesthetics live. (*Saswaloka*)

Nature, Culture, and Literature

The term ‘nature’ juxtaposes with the term environment, world, universe, planet earth, and so on that has similar meaning to it (Abdillah, 2001). It constitutes all of the external factors affecting an organism whether living organisms (biotic factors) or nonliving variables (non-biotic factors). Living organism includes plant, animal, virus, bacterium, and human being. Besides, nonliving includes temperature, rainfall, day length, wind, and ocean currents. The interactions of organisms with biotic and non-biotic factors form an ecosystem.
Organisms and their environment constantly interact, and both are changed by this interaction. Like all other living creatures, humans have clearly changed their environment, but they have done so generally on a grander scale than have all other species. Some of these human-induced changes have led to altered climate patterns, or what is in so forth we called as Global Warming. In turn, altered climate patterns have changed the way animals and plants are distributed in different ecosystems.
There are two side of point of view in considering nature or environment as part of human interaction. One is that they who consider nature as entity which evolves within itself and which possesses power to form and to adapt the changes toward it. One who stands in this position assumes that nature needs not to be saved or even gives a special treatment. Other is one who holds into conviction that everything beyond this universe is connected. The changes of whether, climate, and temperature much less engages human contribution. However, in arguing who is the right or wrong over the belief is merely wasting of time. Regarding to the problem on environment, scientists and also environmentalists has study the long-term consequences of human actions on the environmental order to lessen the impact of human activity on the natural world. And the study of the relationships between these living organisms and their interactions with their natural or developed environment is what we so-called as ecology.
Some theories deal with environment also reveal to the surface of discourse for the last decades. There are environmental determinism and possibilism theory, and the cultural ecology. Environmental determinism believes that all of the cultural aspect and human attitude are influenced by environment or surroundings. This theory brought by Frederich Rosel (Germania) in the early decade of 20’s gives an example that English is the nation of sailor for it is surrounded by sea. Unfortunately, this theory contains mystical belief which is irrational by way of possessing a set of assumption that human body contains four elements of fire, earth water, and blood. This believe apparently could hold on the ground if only Karl Marx didn’t make a funny remark by striking his opinion about Technological Determinism which states that human attitude and their personality is induced by technology since in the certain nation it dominates their lives (Sumaatmadja, 2005).
The second is possibilism theory. The theory states that culture and technology is shaped by the environment but it is not caused by it. In other words, this theory believes that there is compatibility between certain culture and it environment, but there is also incompatibility over other environment. The theory introduced by Frans Boas in 1930’s is also known as the theory of Openness. The last is cultural ecology. It is said that environment does affect human behavior, only just in exact time human also affects their surroundings. In other words, the relation between human and their environment is equal. In certain circumstances of time and place, surroundings highly affect human’s culture and their behavior; and in other certain circumstances, human being does affect their surroundings or environment (Abdillah, 2001).              
The last theory conducts us to comprehend more about culture as part of people product.  As Bambang Sugiharto said in his article (2007) that the word ‘culture’ is one of the words which is difficult to define. At least there are 150 definition compiled by Kroeber and Kluckholn in 1952 for more or less three decades (Suriasumantri, 2005). Generally, the word refers to patterns of human activities and the symbolic structures that give such activities significant. Different definitions of "culture" reflect different theoretical bases for understanding, or criteria for evaluating, human activity. Based on statement, Koentjaraningrat (1985) expounds culture into some subdivisions. Those are: system of religion and rituals, organization of society, system of knowledge, language, arts, occupation, and system of technology and equipment.
Regarding to the research, poem belongs to product of culture of arts and language. The most considerable thing is that whether the surrounding or environment of society really influences this product of arts (?) The answer is possible in any way. However, it is better to consider the cultural ecology to see the relationship between both. The theory actually emphasizes the influence of environment to culture and its people. Introduced by Jullian H. Steward in 1930’s, the theory stated that culture and environment is undivided entity for it holds the process of mutual induction or interrelationship. In other words, culture and environment is interdependent (Abdillah, 2001).
This concept draws a conclusion that poem as product of culture directly or indirectly influences by surroundings or place where the creator lives. Apparently, culture is not static in its development. The change of environment will also alter social order of society that in forth also affects its product. Culture then is one that dynamic. This perception is appropriate with a concept of culture change. For example, the end of the last ice age leads to the invention of agriculture, which is in its turn brought about many cultural innovations. Cultural change can come due to the environment, to inventions (and other internal influences), and to contact with other cultures.
Based on the description above, ecocriticism as part of knowledge in literature environment takes its subject the interconnectedness between nature and culture, specifically the cultural artifacts of language and literature. As a theoretical discourse, it negotiates between the human and the nonhuman (Cohen, 2004). (*Saswaloka*)

D. Zawawi Imron

Photo by Serge Ligtenberg
In the realm of Indonesia poetry, D. Zawawi Imron is known as the poet of “The Golden Sickle.” He was born in Batang-batang, Sumenep, Madura 1946—place where he lives and makes poems, and becomes a lecturer of Training College for Religion Teachers. Zawawi includes as a genuine autodidact person who holds on to write poems for almost three decades (30 years), and still. He is also known and being considerable at the beginning in the world of Indonesia poetry when Subagio Sastrowardoyo, one of the famous critics, had an attention to his poems. Subagio gave a special time to discuss Zawawi’s poem in “Pertemuan Sastrawan Nusantara” in Makassar, 1982.
He has already published his collections Semerbak Mayang (1997), Madura, Akulah Lautmu (1978), Bulan Tertusuk Lalang (1982), Celurit Emas (1986), Derap-Derap Tasbih (1993), Berlayar Di Pamor Badik (1994), Lautmu Tak Habis Gelombang (1996), Bantalku Ombak Selimutku Angin (1996), and Madura, Akulah Darahmu (1999). His poem, "Bulan Tertusuk Lalang", has been incarnated into film by the famous Indonesian movie director, Garin Nugroho. He also won the 1985 prize for Best Book. His collection of poems, Nenek Moyangku Airmata (1985) was awarded by the Department of Education and Culture (1987). In 1990, again Nenek Moyangku Airmata, and his other collection of poems, Celurit Emas (1986) were chosen by Center of Language Development as the best book of that year. The last book was published is Kelenjar Laut (2009).
Besides, Zawawi joined The Winternachten Oversea Poetry Festival in Jakarta; and in January 2002, again, he joined the Winternachten Poetry Festival in The Hague. He also wrote and collected Madura folklores such as; Ni Peri Tunjung Wulan (1979), Bagascara Ragapadmi (1980), Cerita Rakyat Dari Madura (1993). Recently, Zawawi remain lives in Batang-Batang, a small village in eastern Madura. ("Saswaloka")


Kata “baku” dalam KBBI berarti (1) pokok, utama; (2) tolak ukur yang berlaku untuk kuantitas atau kualitas yang ditetapkan berdasarkan kesepakatan standar; dan (3) saling. Sedang dalam bahasa Sunda kata ini bisa berarti kebiasaan. Pengertiannya lebih tepat dimaksudkan dalam konteks di mana seseorang melakukan kebiasaan, yang biasanya jelek atau buruk, semisal tidur terus, main terus, dsb. “Baku geus sare wae teh silaing mah” (dasar kebiasaan kalau kamu sudah tidur), begitulah kata ini biasanya digunakan secara lisan.
Permasalahannya adalah, bagaimana jika kebiasaan seseorang itu justru bukan kebiasaan jelak atau buruk, seperti membaca, menulis atau mengaji? Bilamanakah kata ini, juga kata yang lainnya, memiliki konotasi negatif? Mengapa sebuah kata lantas memiliki konotasi negatif, jauh dari arti sebenarnya? Kenyataannya, tidak pernah ditemukan (baca: terdengar) seseorang memaki seorang lain karena kebiasaannya yang baik menggunakan kata ‘baku’ ini.

Sungai Depan Rumah

Kembali, Ibu-ibu mencuci di kali. Sayangnya tidak di tengah, tapi di tepi. Hari ini aliran sungai tampak besar setelah sore hingga malam kemarin sungai mendadak meluap sampai ke permukaan. Entah hujan seperti apa yang turun di hulu, sungai di depan rumah mendadak menjadi makhluk yang mengerikan yang bisa menghancurkan apa saja tanpa ampun. Pagi ini barangkali sungai mengalir tak sederas semalam, tapi debitnya tak lantas hilang menghantarkan suaranya hingga beberapa meter jauhnya. Bahkan, aku masih bisa mendengarkan suara deras itu mengalir di kamar ini. Tak seperti biasanya, kali ini sungai benar-benar menyapu segalanya: ranting-ranting bahkan sampah yang biasa masyarakat sekitir sini buang di tepi.
Pagi ini, aku melihat ibu-ibu yang biasa mencuci di pinggir kali, tampak kesulitan. Bagaimana mungkin mereka biasa mencuci dengan kondisi seperti itu? Alih-alih menyelesaikan pekerjaannya dengan cepat, bukan tak mungkin pakaian yang mereka cuci pun ikut mengalir dengan derasnya air.
Sungguh kekuatan alam yang bukan mainan. Petaka bisa saja menimpa siapa saja jika ia sudah memperlihatkan wujudnya. Percis ketika suatu hari aku melihat air sungai menggenangi sebuah rumah di kampung halamanku. Rumah itu total terendam air sungai yang meluap di depan rumahnya.
Di kesempatan yang lain, aku juga pernah menyaksikan dengan mata kepalaku sendiri bagaimana Sungai Cikaobandung yang membawa air dari bendungan Jatiluhur merendam lebih dari empat desa di kecamatan yang sama. Seluruh harta benda milik warga total tersaput genangan air bah itu. Ikan-ikan di kolam habis entah ke mana, ternak, padi yang baru saja ditanam, semuanya tak bersisa kecuali atap-atap rumah yang masih terlihat di permukaan air.
Malah ketika kecil aku sempat juga mendengar seorang anak kecil di sekitar rumahku hanyut di bawa air sungai. Nenek Si Anak merasa kehilangan ketika cucunya itu tak juga pulang padahal hari sudah malam. Tahu-tahu, keesokan harinya, tubuhnya sudah ditemukan mengambang di hilir Sungai Babakancikao.
Jadi, sungguh, kekuatan alam yang bisa mengakibatkan bencana bukanlah hal yang bisa dianggap sepele. Katastropi ini tak punya ampun ketika sudah beraksi.  Sore hari kemarin, ketika aku dengan sengaja menyaksikan deras air menghantam dinding-dinding pembatas dan batu-batu besar yang berada di tengah sungai, aku berpikir, bagaimana jika suatu hari nanti aliran sungai itu sampai ke rumahku, menghancurkan dinding pembatas dan menenggelemkan aku? Bakal seperti apa aku nanti? Apa yang harus aku lakukan untuk menyelamatkan diri? Apa yang bakal aku selamatkan? Apakah ada barang-barang yang aku punya masih bisa kuselamatkan, atau hanya tubuhku ini saja yang siap-siap untuk lari dan mengungsi di saat sungai sudah benar-benar mengamuk, meluluh-lantakkan semuanya?
Sungguh, aku tak punya kuasa, tak punya daya. Hanya dengan memasrahkan segalanya pada-Nya aku bisa.

Subang, 21 Februari 2012

Pohon dan Istrinya
Oleh: Eka Budianta

Masyarakat boleh menuduh aku lebih cinta pada pohon ketimbang istri. Apalagi sejak Martha menjadi feminis. Rasanya aku lebih percaya pada pohon sengon. Ia setia. Tumbuh sendiri, lurus dan berseri di muka rumahku. Sedangkan Martha, perempuan mungil, anggun dan elegan itu seperti bukan hanya milikku. Ia bicara di mana-mana. Ia terkenal di berbagai kongres dan seminar. Ia  seperti menjadi milik semua orang. Malam ini dia pergi ke Durban, Afrika Selatan.

Istriku memberi kesaksian tentang penjarahan, perampokan, pemerkosaaan, dan banyaknya perempuan Indonesia yang jadi korban. Sementara aku harus di rumah, menidurkan anak bungsu kami, Tommy.

Martha ikut demo dan masuk televisi. Sementara pohon sengonku tumbuh dengan diam. Pohonku tidak pergi ke mana-mana. Ia hidup sederhana dan setia. Batangnya subur, daunnya hijau, seolah-olah hanya untukku. Ia bicara  denganku. Bilang selamat pagi padaku. Ia seperti mengerti kalau aku pulang kerja. Badanku capek dan hati kecewa. Maklum, tampaknya Martha menjadi semakin acuh tak acuh. Ia seperti kurang berperasaan. Bicaranya ketus. Seperti tak ada lagi yang baik di dunia.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Menemukan Ingatan

IN THE RAIN by Fim Anugrah
Dua puluh tahun kemudian, Karlan akhirnya menyadari apa biang dari segala masalah yang dihadapinya selama ini. Dia tahu apa penyebab yang menyebabkan kegagalan demi kegagalan menghantam hidupnya.
Di penghujung tahun yang basah yang tidak duka tapi tidak juga bahagia, Karlan terbangun dengan kepala yang masih menyisakan ingatan semalam. Setiap malam, Karlan berusaha mengingat-ingat setiap persitiwa masa lalu hidupnya. Dengan tergesa dia akan mencatat apa pun yang melintas di kepalanya, mulai dari perayaan ulang tahun yang kedua yang seumur hidupnya hanya dirayakan pada saat itu saja; kenangan bersama pacarnya ketika duduk di bangku SMP kelas satu dan hanya berumur 30 hari saja; hingga ke masalah pertarungannya dengan seekor katak yang tiba-tiba masuk ke kamar dan bermalam di bawah ranjangnya semasa kuliah.  
Akan tetapi, secepat dia mencatat, secepat itu pula dia mencoretnya. Dia tahu bukan itu yang dia cari, entah apa. Beratus-ratus helai kertas telah disobek, dituliskan dan diremas-remas dengan kemarahannya hingga tanpa sadar remasan-remasan kertas itu telah menjadi kasurnya yang kedua. Karlan tidur di atasnya. Sempat dia mencatatkan lima peristiwa yang masih bisa diingatnya: (1) kenalakan pertamanya ketika memecahkan lampus pos ronda dengan ketapelnya dalam jarak tujuh meter; (2) keiisengannya menyimpan cacing di dalam tas teman perempuan SD-nya hingga menyebabkan temannya itu pingsan; (3) penganiayaan yang dilakukan seniornya ketika mengaji; (4) keceriaannya mencari udang dan kerang di sungai dekat rumahnya; dan (5) pertolongannya terhadap seorang nenek yang hendak menyeberang jalan.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

About Indonesian Blogs

Nowadays, for the last two months i guess, i make myself busy with blogwalking into kinds of sites, especially sites or blogs that are created by Indonesian people. It's not that the blogs unattractive, not in term of its layout and designs. What disturb me is that there's a lot of contents within the blogs that only copy and paste others blog only. Not jut one or two copas (copy-paste, term that's usually used among them) but more than that. The impact is that I couldn't notice who among them are original for its writings/postings. In its final, sites and blogs become the same and boredom and I'm weary about it. Unoriginal? What can we be so proud about it? Uh uh.

Comments. Don't be shocked if you, in one or other time, have a grasps a lot of comment request in Indonesian Blog. I can hardly think about it, beyond my imagination. Say, what does actually they, the owner and maybe the administrator, want to achieve within their blogs? Rank? Fame? Money? Sometimes i got laugh seeing a real-hope-and need-of-request from such those blogs. I said, information and knowledge that includes on it in truth belongs to everyone. No history said that knowledge is possessed by only one person Though, i don't said that we must not appreciate one for discovering and giving the knowledge. But, should i appreciate those whose work is only copying and pasting others blog, moreover, without permission and/or without put down the source they got? Is it acceptable? Is it true that they are sincere? No wonder if you get lots of warnings such as "Don't forget Comment!" or "Comment, Please!" or even "Leave Your Comment in This Blog, Please! (I Need IT-ed!)" in such those blogs.

I don't know anything really. I'm new in technology and stuffs and in act of dealing through them. It's just my opinion that I see and feel about it, as Will Gunting says (Good Will Hunting movie, 1997):

"Were you gonna plagiarize the whole thing for us- you have any thoughts of- of your own on this matter? Or do- is that your thing, you come into a bar, you read some obscure passage and then you pretend- you pawn it off as your own- your own idea just to impress some girls? Embarrass my friend?"

"See the sad thing about a guy like you, is in about 50 years you're gonna start doin' some thinkin' on your own and you're gonna come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life. One, DON'T DO THAT. And two, you DROPPED A HUNDRED AND FIFTY GRAND ON A FUCKIN' EDUCATION you coulda' got for a dollar fifty in late charges at the Public Library."
"Yeah, but I will have a degree, and you'll be serving my kids fries at a drive-thru on our way to a skiing trip," Clark said.

And Will: "Yeah, maybe. But at least I WON'T BE UNORIGINAL."

I think the term "BE YOURSELF!" applies to anybody, anyone. Just need a harsh think about it. Finally, It is you to decide. ("Saswaloka")

NOTE: If there is anything of the content from this blog that has no source written down, please contact me (see Dalem for information). I really would like to clear the things up. Thanks for your cooperation.  


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Monday, February 20, 2012

Aku dan Sangkuriang

Matahari telah cukup terik untuk bisa bertengger di atas langit. Angin dingin masih terasa di ujung jari walau sebentar lagi hari tak lagi pagi. Jalan-jalan sudah terlihat ramai dijejali orang-orang yang membawa kesibukannya masing masing di hari minggu ini. Kendaraan dari arah kota telah banyak melintas menuju Lembang. Di sudut yang lain, angkutan umum tampak berbaris menunggu penumpang. Aku sendiri sudah cukup lama menunggu teman-teman yang memang sudah berjanji untuk sama-sama pergi berekreasi.
Jam menunjukkan pukul sembilan kurang lima belas menit dan baru hanya ada aku, Angga dan Oky. Desi dan Irfan sedang dalam perjalanan; Andri sedang mencuci; dan Siska sedang menjadi ibu yang baik di rumahnya. Angga dan Oky sibuk dengan ponselnya mencoba mengajak teman-teman yang lain untuk bisa ikut dalam acara ini. Tak lama kemudian Oky berkata bahwa Andri pun batal untuk ikut. Lima belas menit lagi kita berangkat, kataku. Tak berapa lama Desi dan Irfan terlihat berjalan dari arah lain dan dengan ini maka perjalanan pun bisa dimulai. Perjalanan menuju gunung Tangkuban Perahu.